Thursday, May 28, 2009


I really need to vent for a moment. I watched almost all the episodes from the cook yourself thin show. None of the women look like they lost weight. I am starting to believe it was all scam. Like I assumed the belly would have gone down or something. Nothing and I really mean NOTHING, looks like it changed on the woman's figure. On top of that there is no publicity or the girls or anything to show if the girls kept the weight off. I can imagine if something worked so well there would be publicity, we would see them on oprah or rachael ray or something. I just can't believe people can actually lose 1 and a lot of the people had lost 2 dresses in 6 weeks and that not being a big enough deal. I really wanted to believe that cook yourself thin was going to help. I still believe it might help a little, but not a dress size in 6 weeks. In order for such a transformation to work, you need to be eating well, and working out daily, more like 5 to 6 days a week. Also, that is such a large difference that it wouldn't be maintainable unless u ate that way forever, which I think sometimes you will miss the fat that you no longer have in your diet. I know I haven't tried all the recipes yet, or even a decent amount of them but based on what I have tried 2/3 of the recipes sucked. I am going to continue to make the recipes because there are plenty of them that got great reviews.

Ok, I feel better. Please tell me how you feel. All the shows and the reveals are at
I really want to know if you see a difference. Also, I would love to know if you have had any positive results from the show.

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