Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ok, today is the first day of ramadan.
I weigh myself at noon this morning I am 176.8!
I have a goal of 10 lbs lost this ramadan. I don't think it will be too hard. I just hope I don't overeat like I usually do. The last few ramadans I didn't lose any weight. I will try to update you in a week to see if there is any weightloss. I will attempt to work out in the evenings, tho im not sure if I will get to it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

So Ramadan is right around the corner. I figured to boost my weight loss, I would start the low glycemic index diet a few days back. I forgot Ramadan is right around the corner. So for the next week I will 1200 calories or under to start the weight loss program. I am hoping this Ramadan will be a great weight loss one. In the past I have had some Ramadans, where I have lost up to 10 lbs, not recently though. Since Ramadan last year I was 10 lbs heavier. I had managed to gain 10 lbs over 1 year, after losing 20 lbs.

Lets see what happens.
I weight myself this morning, I was 179. I will keep you updated!

Todays meal

2 servings of egg substitute 60 calories
1 serving whole wheat bread 90 calories
1 serving cheese 60 calories
1/2 tablespoon butter 50 calories

260 calories for breakfast
( I shouldn't have used the butter but the eggs didn't have any flavor. I used a little salt and am not sure if that adds to the calories as well as black pepper. I might have been able to go without the cheese making it a 200 calorie meal.)

13 almonds 170 calories

1/2 a Cinnamon raisin bagel 77 calories
with 1 tablespoon cream cheese 45 calories

strawberries 18 calories (8 pieces small)
strawberry jello sugar free 10 calories

tomato basil soup 100 calories
salad (4 baby tomatoes, a small amount red pepper, 1 whole mushroom, 1/4 cup roman lettuce, 3 piece baby carrots) maybe 100 calories
less then 1 serving of zesty Italian dressing 60 calories
vinegar for added taste

pomegranate green tea 0 calories
with honey 120 calories

total calories 932

Saturday, June 12, 2010


yesterday I ate:


lamb kabob (1 serving)
afghani rice (1 serving)
salad with their homemade ranch dressing (1 serving)
bread ( a large piece)
lots of extra homemade ranch dressing :-/ it is soooooooooo good

broccoli with thousand island dressing

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

strawberry banana yogurt
vanilla almond gronola

2- triple burger things from McDonald,
I felt horrible after eating them but I didn't want to throw them away
(3 pieces of meat felt like 1 burger patty)
8 oz bold and spicy bloody Mary mix

2 hot dog 1 with square wheat bread

another 8 oz bold and spicy bloody Mary mix
8 oz Arizona ice tea

what I ate 06/08/10

what I ate yesterday:


chicken cheesesteak
french fries with vinegar and ketchup

salmon (tasted like jerky to me)
baked sweet potato with butter and brown sugar

yo plait key lime pie yogurt with vanilla and almond gronola

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cheating a little but still going strong with the special k diet. So far I have lost 5 lbs :-D. I probably won't lose anything by tomorrow due to the cheating I did today. I think this diet was good in it prevented me from constant unnecessary snacking, however I think I needed the diet to stop me. I don't think I am strong enough to stop without a reason.

I need to fit in a dress for my cousins wedding july 17. So I will try to remain on this diet so I can fit the dress. The dress was 1 size too small. Lets see what happens.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Here I am day 2 of the diet. I am not hungry and am barely eating, but I think it has nothing to do with the diet. I think it other things.

Yesterday I ate
strawberry banana smooth with skim milk and low fat vanilla bean ice cream

At lunch time,
I drank bloody Mary mix with a slice of lime

I ate Italian pasta with imitation crab meat
tropical fruit punch ( 9 oz)

Other stuff:
drank water and pomegranate green tea with honey

So I think I am way below calories and i guess it can still be considered the special k diet.

I am allowed to drink whatever I want, which I did. I replaced the breakfast with the smoothly and I'm allowed to eat whatever I want for dinner.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

special k diet

So today I started the special K diet. I have been keeping track of what I eat just not on the blog, I was keeping track with my cousins. Well she bailed, that doesn't matter tho.

I found the special k diet from a commerical and I decided to try it. I do believe this is just a scam to sell there products only, so I am going to slightly modify I go along.

Basically they want u to eat a breakfast of either cereal with skim milk or cereal bar with milk. I usually eat cereal so that won't be too difficult. I have never tasted their cereals so we will see how that goes.

For either lunch or dinner you will replace 1 with a meal replacement drink or bars. I bought a ton of cereal bars, so that will have to work for one of the meals. I might reconsider and buy the protein bars, we'll see.

For the other major meal you can eat whatever you want. I am excited about that, because I think that should make it easier to stick with. I only cook dinner for my husband so I want to be able to eat dinner with him.

The other 2 snacks of the day should be should be cereal bar, special k drink options, etc.

Today, I started the day later then normal so I decided instead of the protein shake or bar, I would just make a smoothy. I put fresh bananas, strawberries, skim milk and vanilla ice cream.

I have weight myself today and I am going to measure my waist. It says in 2 weeks u will lose 1 inch off your waist or 6 lbs.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

what i ate 04/21/10

Yesterday I ate:

honey nut cheerios with 2% milk

2 hebrew national hotdogs with ketchup and mustard, no bread
1 can of corn with 1 tblspn butter and a tiny bit of salt
cranapple juice
1 - kit kat bar packets (the small packets not the full size packets)

I went to red lobster and got the festival of shrimp deal
I ordered the walts favorite shrimp(breaded shrimp)
The seafood stuffed shrimp I threw away half the stuffing (it was bad lol)
and cajun shrimp with wild pilaf rice.

Tons of water

also :-(
I ate 3 chedder biscuits
salad with ranch dressing no crutons

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yesterday I ate :

Honey nut cherios with milk

2 bananas
1/2 a slice of vanilla bean cheesecake

Salad (lettuce, spinach, brocoli, turkey, chicken, imitation crab, green peppers, mushroom, etc)
creamy ceaser dressing

key lime pie yoplait yogurt cup

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So I have been looking into this 30 day shred, it doesn't say you have to do it everyday for 30 days. It just says after 30 days you should be x lbs lighter. So, yesterday I didn't do the 30 day shred nor did I on Sunday. Today however I did my self defense class, which is going to replace my workouts on Tuesday until I finnish the class.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

and the measurements are in!

So I looked up the last time I weighed what I weigh now, it was Mid-june of 2009 :-(
I also got my husband to measure me so that I can see how well the 30 day shred works.
Here are my measurements at day 1 of the 30 day shred:
Right Arm (6 inches from the shoulder): 14 in
Chest: 41 1/2 in
Waist: 37 in
Abdominals 43 1/2 in
Hips: 46 in
Right thigh: 28 1/2 in
Calf: 14 2/8 in

digusting!! Oh well. Before starting the shred, My left arm hurts, I am feeling super lazy and fat. I know after today I will be hurting a lot but lets see what happened. My sister in law was telling me about a body builder she knows who works out no matter how much pain she is in. She could have a sprained ankle and will still workout. I am not going to take it to that extreme however I will try to workout no matter how sore I get from this workout. In the past when I tried the 30 day shred, I would workout for a few days and then quit because I could handle the pain. I was attempting a break for a few days that just turned into failure. I will for sure remeasure at the end of 30 days and maybe once in the middle to see the progress.

Sadly my weight today is 182. I don't want to share this number but maybe it will encourage me if more people know how fat I am. My goal weight is 145 which was my weight when my husband met me.

Here we go.

ok, here is the 100th attempt at trying to keep this blog going. Now that the other blog is done, lets see if I can keep up with this one.

Today, I am going to start the 30 day shred, again. I was watching the videos on youtube but they no longer are on there. I went to walmart a few days ago and found it for $9.00, so I purchased it.

Although I was doing good at maintaining my weight that is no longer the case. For the past month my sister in law has been staying with us, and we both let ourselves go. We both ate a lot of things we normally wouldn't eat and as a result, I gained 8 lbs :-(. I am saddened by the way I look, but even more by the number on the scale. I believe it has been over a year since I have seen the number and I really can't go up any more then I have.

I will report back tomorrow with how the workout was as well as what I ate today. I KNOW I ate so much yesterday that I am just too embarassed to write it down.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What I ate 02/22/10


some green olives
creamy tomato soup from campbells

a fist full of tortelloni's stuffed ricotta cheese and spinach with melted butter, salt and pepper

a little bit of dry roasted peanuts
a handful of utz ripple plain chips

2 cups of water

Saturday, January 9, 2010

What I ate 01/08/10

What I ate 01/08/10

Cherios with oats and 2 percent milk


4 bbq wings
2 slices of pepperoni pizza

a thin slice of yellow cake with frosting, tho I didn't eat most of the frosting
cookies and cream ice cream

Handful of sour cream and onion ripple chips

8 glasseswater
1 bottle mistic carrot fruit juice

Bad day overall, ate too much. From yesterday to today there is a weight gain of 1.2 lbs.

Friday, January 8, 2010

what I ate 01/07/10

What I ate Yesterday 01/07/10



lamb kobab, homemade bread, cooked lentils, and salad with cutney or however you spell it

popcorn salted and buttered to perfection

16 oz cranberry juice
8- glasses of water
8 oz of hot chocolate

Overall good day, weight loss of 1 lb

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What I ate 01/06/10

What I ate 01/06/10


Eggs with melted feta cheese

Popcorn buttered and salted to my liking

cranberry jice

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

my feelings on what I ate yesterday

So yesterday was a horrible day as far as my eating. I didn't really want to go out but my friend really did so I went with her. I didn't need the cheesecake but I rarely eat cheesecake anymore so I took advantage. It was an amazing slice of cheesecake!! I am not sure why but all I ever want to eat is hash browns these day. I had bought a packet of the hash browns, the ones that look like mcdonald's hash browns, and when I feel like them I bake them, no oil or anything.

I had plans to do a lot of crazy things yesterday but I was stuck at home waiting on the phone for the unemployment agency to answer my call - but nothing happened. I have been calling for 2 weeks with no luck. Yesterday I was on hold for 4 hours and my phone hung up at that point. Oh well here I am yet again on hold, thus far I have been on hold for 1 hour. Lets see if I get lucky today and someone answers me. I don't like to sit around the house, but I am limited to what I do because I am glued to my computer waiting for them to answer the phone. It is sad, because I can't take care of this online.

What I ate 01/04/2010

What I ate 01/04/2010


2 hash browns with ketchup

P.F. Changs beef and brocoli and white rice
with chicken lettuce wrap

Dulce de Leche Caramel cheesecake from the cheesecake factory

8 glasses of water

Monday, January 4, 2010

What I ate 01/03/2010

Yesterday Sunday 01/03/2010


2 slices of cheese pizza

steak and cheese sub 8"
with sauteed mushroom and onions
white american cheese, ketchup and mayo
Hash brown

8 oz sparkling cider
8 oz hot chocolate
4 glasses of water

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What I ate 01/02/2010

Yesterday 01/02/2010

Steak, egg, and cheese bagel from McDonalds

Mansaf with rice and peas and carrots

Salad with Ranch dressing
Cheese fries
1/2 victorian filet
2 mini lobster tails

a few bites from my friends cheesecake
5 meltaway kisses

8 oz apple juice
8 glasses of water

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What I ate 01/01/2010


4 in turkey sandwich with tomato, mayo, onion on white bread

mansaf with rice peas and carrots


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years

Happy New Year!

As I am sure most people do, I make a new years resolution every year to lose weight. In 2009 I made that resolution, the results, I am 15 lbs light in 2010. This year I have chose to make the same resolution. I plan to lose 15 lbs this year. The efforts I am making this year to lose weight is the following. In the past eat less or rather focusing on a 1500 calorie intake has proven successful.

The second new years resolution is to up keep this blog. I lost the weight in the first 6 months of the year and spent the 2nd half of the year maintain the weight. I did better when I was tracking my weight, my food and maintaing this blog. This blog is a motivator and reminder of where I want to be. I plan to help myself and my readers by maintain this blog. Inas, one of the readers loves to see pictures of the food, though I know I can't do it daily, I will try to post pics once a week.

Well thats all for now!